Registration fee for registration of a vehicle as a property-environmental tax

| Reading Time: 1 Min


In September 2020, the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic issued a preliminary information on the draft amendment to Act No 145/1995 Z. z., on administrative fees. The amendment proposes to change the nature of the administrative fee for the registration of a vehicle holder in the register of vehicles in the Slovak Republic (the “registration fee”) to a property-environmental tax. After the change, the calculation of the amount of the registration fee should be based not only on the engine power and the coefficient of the vehicle’s residual value, but also on an “environmental criterion”. The addition of the environmental criterion, which can be determined directly from each vehicle’s documentation, regardless of its age, will favour vehicles that are friendlier to the environment. On the contrary, vehicles that are more harmful to the environment should be put at a disadvantage.


According to the preliminary information, the basic registration fee rate of EUR 33 to cover administrative costs should not be changed by the draft amendment.


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