16. March 2022
Reading Time: 1
Draft measure of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Slovak Republic on meal allowances
The price of meal allowances and meal vouchers should be increased by the proposed measure of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Slovak Republic after more than two years.
The amounts of the meal allowance are proposed to be adjusted as follows:
- EUR 6 (from the original EUR 5.10) for a work shift of 5 hours to 12 hours,
- EUR 9 (from the original EUR 7.60) for a work shift of 12 hours to 18 hours,
- EUR 13.70 (from the original EUR 11.60) for a work shift of over 18 hours.
Upon approval of the proposal, the maximum possible employer contribution for food to the amount of EUR 3.30 (currently EUR 2.81) should increase, while the lowest possible value of a meal voucher should increase from the current minimum of EUR 3.83 to EUR 4.50.
The financial contribution for meals is equal to the amount that the employer contributes to the employees for food or meal vouchers.
We will inform you about the approved proposal in upcoming Newsletter.